Part 101: Steaming
Music: Creeping Shadow
Middle jacket A smart grey jacket.

I take the magnetic key.

Kyle will only examine this jacket thoroughly after we examined the suitcase for some reason.

Use magnetic key on suitcase
Were magnetic keys used in 1980?

I use the magnetic key to open the case.

Camera Inside the case is a single-lens reflex camera.

Papers There's a letter set inside the case.

I take the letter set.

Notebook There's a notebook inside the case. It has a black leather cover that's old and worn.

Mirror There's a mirror hanging above the wash basin. It has a few marks on it that look like fingerprints.

Time for another minigame! This one will trigger only after reading the notebook.

Despite what Dylan said, the sink still works as normal. If you've seen some detective/spy movies, you'll know what we need to do here. It's turning on the hot water and letting the steam do the work.

We have to actually memorize the code ourselves, though. Or we can just use the notebook.

Yes, I still suck at writing...

The guide says that this code is randomized for each playthrough, but I can't confirm this.

Cash There are banknotes inside the safety deposit box.

Passport There's a passport inside the safety deposit box.

The passport is in the name of "Will McGrath".

I take Will's passport.

Music stops

What we have to do now is similar to before, but the Game Over is slightly different.

"Maybe you just made a mistake... Please, wait!"

Music: Lonely Goodbye

Frank leaves the room.
Music: Dream's End

Tony: 7
Dylan: 6
Mags: 5
Frank: 4
Charles: 3
Betty: 2
Sidney: 2
Rex: 1
Marie: 1
Punch: 7
Screw you, Frank! Don't think we forgot what you did a few days ago!

Anyway, despite that revelation from Will's passport, we're still not done here.


More minigames! This is, like, the third one this update? This whole sequence won't be out of place in Zero Escape.


The way to open it lies in the obviously highlighted spot.

Well, considering that we need to see the passport to trigger this minigame, the password is obvious.

I take the torn postcard.

but it's already too late.